Tom! I know, what a great name. Picked out at random this morning, same great name, different country. Therefore, my new, hot of the press screen prints will be whisking themselves out over the Atlantic to the god ol' US of A along with the Lovebirds. Thanks again to everyone who took part, and better luck next time. Below are the new prints that Tom will be receiving in the not to distant future. I hope you like them, and if you do, take a peek in the shop tomorrow to get your grubby hands on them!

Absolutely LOVE the birds Tom, especially the Puffin.
are beautiful!!! lucky tom!! :)
Thanks! I can't wait to see them up close. I'm very thrilled to have won. Thanks again.
Lucky Tom! They are gorgeous. Potential valentine's present I think! Off to the shop now.
Great work Tom. Beautiful colours - they remind of old fashioned Penguin books and British transport posters. Lovely
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