Wednesday 11 August 2010

On the road again...

Another wedding, another wedding car! For the wonderful Eivind (Norway) and the beautiful Katherina (Germany) comes this trans-europe rally car featuring both colours of their native flags. May they travel far together.


Samara Andrews said...

Tom, this is really fantastic, I absolutely love it...although maybe not quite as much as ours! Keep up the good work frosty.

katharina said...

Its the pride of our livingroom now. Thank you so much. We absolutely love it! (You'll get a proper thank you, soon.) We show it off a lot. Our neighboir even asked if you sell them made to order (or whatever it is called in english).

Tom said...

Thanks guys, glad you like it Katharina, and tell your neighbour YES, I do make them to order!

Unknown said...

Hey boy! Thanks ever so much for this T&T, it's such a thing of beauty and awesomeness. Wanted to write a proper thank you on a quality piece of paper, but as it is now taking more than a little time with our thank-you cards, I'm expressing the gratitude here in the meantime. Did I say thanx?

Oh, can u send us a quote of what a bespoke wooden car with postage would be to Norway? As our landlord/neighbour might wanna order one in time for xmas. Hope u're both well!! :-)

Tom said...

You is mostly welcome! Quote on the way.

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing information in the website,i'very like reading in website,good luck

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