Tuesday, 31 May 2011

New Matchboxes

I am gradually updating the shop with the new prints I produced for the show at the Here Gallery. The three screenprints above are a fresh set of nautical matchboxes. I hope you like them, and if you would like to become the proud owner of any of them, they are for sale here.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Over the sea to.....

Skye! The radio silence of late has been down to a week of wild and windy camping on the beautiful Isle of Skye. Truly stunning and a great place to recharge the old batteries before ploughing back into work. The exhibition went swimmingly in the end, even after a frantic race to the finish, and I will be posting images of all the new work here very soon and in the shop as well. Don't let the photo fool you with its blue sky either. It was Scotland after all!

Monday, 9 May 2011

Not long now....

Thanks to Joe over at the Venue (Bristol's finest whats-on guide) for running a lovely full page piece about mine and Teresa's imminent exhibition. Having the dates in print has hit it home that we are hanging our work tomorrow! To read the article, go here.

This has been my world for the past few weeks, churning out new screen prints down in Snaps printing basement. I should have six new prints to preview at the exhibition and a few 3D numbers as well. Right, back to the grind stone, and pictures of all the new work and the final show to come soon.