Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Good night Snap.

Well, there it is. The curtain has fallen on what has been my creative home for the past three years. The shop has shut and the studios are slowly being cleared out. It is with a heavy heart that I leave my HQ in the centre of Bristol, but bigger and better things await. It is strange to think that when I first joined the studios, I had only ever done one screen print in my life, and now I seem to be just about making a living from it. For that, I will forever be gratefully. Thank you Snap and all who have sailed in you, we shall miss you.


Leanne Ellis said...

Ahh, such a shame Tom :( I had a look around this gorgeous shop a while back, such beautiful work! Best wishes for wherever you're headed next! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh no. I was planning to book a printing workshop really soon. Very sad to hear. Heard of the work of Snap at the Co Ops SW days and have followed from afar since.

Phil Toodle said...

Such a shame to see it go, it was an inspirational place.

Tom said...

Thanks guys, tis a shame but the Snap artists will continue to produce (hopefully) inspirational work for many years to come!

Obiuser said...

a very interesting information, with this insight we are getting, thanks a lot for various information
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Darren Demers said...

Well, there it is. The curtain has fallen on what has been my creative home for the past three years. The shop has shut and the studios are slowly being cleared out. It is with a heavy heart that I leave my HQ in the centre of Bristol, antique earrings designs , diamond head pieces , glass jewelry box , mens winter scarf but bigger and better things await. It is strange to think that when I first joined the studios, I had only ever done one screen print in my life, and now I seem to be just about making a living from it. For that, I will forever be gratefully. Thank you Snap and all who have sailed in you, we shall miss you.

Darren Demers said...

Well, there it is. The curtain has fallen on what has been my creative home for the past three years. The shop has shut and the studios are slowly being cleared out. It is with a heavy heart that I leave my HQ in the centre of Bristol, but bigger and better things await. It is strange to think that when I first joined the studios, I had only ever done one screen print in my life, and now I seem to be just about making a living from it. For that, I will forever be gratefully. Thank you Snap and all who have sailed in you, we shall miss you. mobile website design services company