Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Print at Rostra

This Saturday welcomes the opening of 'Print' at the Rostra gallery in the beautiful city of Bath. Along side my screen printed efforts will be the genius of Bjorn Lie, the loveliness of Freya Cumming, the wit of Simon Tozer, the playfulness of Jane Ormes, the originality of Graham Carter and some guy called Sir Peter Blake. Not a bad role call!

Bucks fizz and treats from 11am - 1pm Saturday 5th May at Rosta.


Phil Toodle said...

Hi Tom, I'd really like to go to this, but is the opening on Friday 4th or Saturday 5th May? Hope to see you there.

Tom said...

My bad! It is Saturday 5th. Hope you can make it!

Phil Toodle said...

Cheers Tom, see you on Sat.

Miss Pussycat said...

Bought some of your prints from here whilst on our honeymoon in Bath last week. They look even lovelier now they are in our home. Love your work. Can't see how to 'follow' your blog for updates? Miss P x

Obiuser said...

a very interesting information, with this insight we are getting, thanks a lot for various information

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