Wednesday 30 June 2010

Mini Print

Ooooh, aaaah, wow wee! Fireworks! This is my mini print that I am just about to go downstairs and screen print for this years Snap mini print exhibition. Should be a damn fine selection of top illustrators, artists and print makers all squeezed onto 21 of your square centimeters. Find out more here, or if you are free from 6pm on the 8th July come along for a damn good time.

This is ground control to Major Tom (Frost)

A few weekends ago I undertook my first workshop teaching kids how to make some toys. It was for the lovely people over at Prema, and was entitled 'Rockets and Rayguns'. In the build up to the workshop, it dawned on me that I had never actually made a rocket or a ray gun, so with a bit more laser cutting and screen printing I came up with these little men in their flying machines.

They stand 14 inches tall and come in fully fueled at £125. Which is a damn site cheaper than what NASA will quote you!

Monday 7 June 2010

Come in, we are open....

Just finished putting the last coat of varnish on the spanking new sign for Snap. Spent a weekend hand painting this little beauty, so hopefully it will have the desired effect of catching peoples eyes from far away and pulling them in the direction of the shop.
I really enjoyed doing this project and I am looking forward to seeing it weather and take on some character as we grow old together! There are even some raised little elements on the sign which I think is the cherry on the cake.