Monday 7 January 2013

Happy New Year All!

Happy New Year everyone. Taken a while to get back to the blog, but I am here now. Hope you all had a nice Christmas break. I spent most of mine staring at the scene above with a belly full of food and a glass full of port/gin/brandy/beer/wine. And very nice it was to. This year is already looking mighty busy, so with squeegee in hand I plough forward, but maybe just one more sloe gin first!


Rajib Dey said...

Nice post. Good memory of previous year.

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nomzam said...

Memories alway makes you feel young.
wine rack

Tracy Gill said...

We have been asked to look at your work as part of our assignment for the Illustration Degree at Blackpool and The Fylde college.
You have inspired me.I intend to illustrate children's books in the future.
Yorkshire Sculpture Park is a great place to exhibit!

Tracy Gill

Obiuser said...

gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)

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Unknown said...

Our permission to visit and listen to the article that you create.
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Thank you
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