Friday 3 December 2010

WFMU Fundraiser

A few weeks back the lovely folks over the pond at the independent radio station, WFMU, asked me if I would design a T-shirt for there upcoming fundraiser. Above is what I came up with and is now available here when you pledge an amount for the fundraiser. It would be well worth doing as it seems they will be sending the station manager floating above the New Jersey skyline on a lawn chair attached to helium balloons! If you aren't in the New York or Hudson River area (like me!) you can pick up an ear full of great music online here.


Anonymous said...

this is awesome, i love wfmu as well!!
I will help fund .....somehow....

Chris Andrews said...

Lovely work Tom

Guusje said...

your work rocks!

The Pogonologist said...

Brilliant. I love this design and I also loving wearing this shirt.

Unknown said...

gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)

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