Wednesday 23 July 2014

The Wild Collection at Yorkshire Sculpture Park

I have spent the last six months working towards my first major solo show and I am still pinching myself at being asked to exhibit at Yorkshire Sculpture Park over the summer. Such a huge privilege to have my work displayed in such an inspiring place. I must also thank Yorkshire for producing two solid weeks of blissful weather.
My show, titled 'The Wild Collection' is house in the wonderful garden gallery that curves around a beautiful old garden wall with a preposterously jaw dropping view just outside its doors.
Within the gallery you will find screen prints, wooden toys, marquetry, mugs, bags, cushions and a mural.
My son seemed pleased with the fruits of my labours.
The show is on now until Sept 7th with over forty one off pieces and limited edition prints for sale, the majority of which have been produced exclusively for YSP. For more information, click here.


  1. Fab photos - love the one of Harry. Your work's not bad either... ;-)

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