Thursday 31 July 2014

School Charts

Butterfly Chart. Seven colour screen print on Fabriano paper. Edition of 35
Fish Chart. Six colour screen print on Fabriano paper. Edition of 35
Frog Anatomy Chart. Four colour screen print on Fabriano paper. Edition of 35
Leaves Chart. Eight colour screen print on Fabriano paper. Edition of 35
Waterfowl Chart. Nine colour screen print on Fabriano paper. Edition of 35
Bee Anatomy Chart. Four colour screen print on Fabriano paper. Edition of 35

Here are the six new school chart style screen prints I recently completed for my solo show at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. These were really fun to create and I was extremely pleased with how they turned out. I had been having some major problems with my exposure unit whilst printing these, so they became a real labour of love, but really glad I stuck with it. All hand printed on a full sheet of sumptuous Fabriano Rosapina paper (50x70cms) and available exclusively over at the YSP shop.


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